Adj [adjustment] refers to slow, gradual, often /drawn-out/ or long-term, changes in lifestyle or habits.
I have always said adjustment is stressful.
Multiple adjustments All-at-once can make us feel overwhelmed. I tend to relax or suspend some of my adjustments such as diet.
[o=office or work]
— [w] diet restrictions like starch, sugar.. Even salt reduction can add to stress
— [w] practice daily stretches to slow down loss of flexibility due to aging
— reduce A/C reliance. Rely on more natural solutions
— [o] restriction on blogging in GS office
— [f] burn rate reduction for big spenders. My key advantage over the average Americans.
— [f] babysit lots of investments, esp. active management of rental properties
— [f] U.S. style DIY home repair
— [w] early sleep .. mild stress, but the adjustment is hard to achieve.
— housing:
adj: much smaller homes than in the past… Some people probably find this adjustment hard
adj: driving as a daily routine… To avoid this adjustment, I have always stayed near connectivity hubs.
adj: long commute … I never really adjusted to this. This adjustment is a huge factor in my housing decision making.
— some common /lubricants/ and assistance for your adjustments:
- cash reserve .. $50k adjustment fund after family migrating to U.S.
- plenty of paid leaves .. see my le2Gerald
- med bx
- counselling support .. eg: covid19 lockdown. Local Chinese support group in the U.S.