See also
- https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/56137/warehouse-curiositysoudef/
–“Wikipedia++” is defined as
All the non-technical sites out there including but not limited to UGC [blogs, personal sites, bbs], but excluding news sites.
— disadvantages .. If you are serious about recreationalXX, then wikipedia++ is not the most effective.
- You need to refresh! Print media is better, but see the “advantage” below.
- Majority of wikipedia++ content (that I read) lacks editorial QC.
- You can’t highlight a phrase as with print media.
- If the topic is big, then you need many reading sessions. Wikipedia is often too brief. This has not been a problem in my experience.
- Worst part of wikipedia++ for learning is the tendency to get distracted by curiositySou.
— Some advantages of wikipedia++ for recreationalXX
- easy to blog
- refresh and re-read by bookmarking