(master -> pearl)
some low-level details I thought would be popular but seldom asked:
* L-value
* iterator types and implementations
* static variables outside classes
* implicit acts of magic by compiler
* array and cStr – syntax, memory, … the gory details beyond the basics
* template specialization
* ref/pointer typedef inside templates
* non-dummy-type args in template
* MI
* enum
* exception spec
* C integration
* pimp
* fwd declaration
* namespace
* linker
* extern
* double pointers
* hiding rule
* swap – all the important usages and no-fail
* overloading and method resolution
* casting and conversion
*** OOC and conversion ctor
— “mid-level”
* boost Any vs Variant
* i/o stream
* regex
* file access (including random)
* serialization
* memory leak detection
* details of boost thread
* boost smart pointer beyond the shared_ptr
* std::string details