Luke Su pointed out each week we have around 60 hours of usable time like
+ 25=5h*5 — 7pm – 12pm on weekdays
+ 34=(24-7)*2 on weekends
= 59 hours a week
So how is this time used? Someone might suggest a pie chart and Gap analysis between US, my UChicago days …, but this is like the expense tracking exercise — extremely time consuming
--The categories (current est}target) cat(15}10) kids learning sessions (including the preparations); blogging ; dddddddiscussions cat(3 }4) exercise including the buffers cat(2 }3) work projects; UChicago cat(3 }5) study on tech or fin, including blogging. Need /quiet/ to make real progress. cat(3 ) [s]research (blogging, meet-up, emails) about US, tech career, cat(4 }3)[s]at-home fin planning -- inv(tcost); property(tcost); Au; bx; cashflow mgmt; retire cat(6 }) [s]misc research (blogging, emails) cat(10 ) eat + basic clean-up;;; shower cat(5 }6)essential home maintenance; help wife, parents, friends cat(2 ) [s]shopping including the buffer cat(6 }) family outing including eat-out, pingpong, excl. study sessions in library
[s=sinking in lots of time unknowingly, or a tendency to do so]
!!! None of these categories meet a measurable goal.
!!! In fact, most of the common measurable goals are despicable, such as school marks
Which category received the 20h UChicago time saving? Kids; study; financial
–see also
blog on biggest time wasters