wpress editor customizations


WPress post editor is where I spend most of my time.
— remove unwanted blocks … use ScreenOption
— remove Blaze .. https://btv-eng.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack#/traffic
— remove ‘addContactForm’ .. go to

.. and disable/deactivate ContactForm.

—  TinyMCE pluggin (to rollback to earlier version)

  • messes up Ctrl-F … see this solution
  • makes the editor text area resizeable, but this is slightly complicated.
  • removes “distractionFreeWritingMode” icon… Use ScreenOption. However, there’s a buggy side effect: Editor textarea shows only 13 lines, and shows a small handle for resizing.

Better uncheck “ 

toolbar icons

  1. bgcolor highlighter … Note font color is available even without TinyMCE, once you click on “ToobarToggle” button. Not bgcolor. Better avoid relying on this luxury feature. It has no cheaper alternative.
  2. fullScreen .. seldom needed
  3. fontFamily .. unneeded
  4. specialCharacter , emoticon.. unneeded so far
  5. —- doable even without TinyMCE
  6. Mark text in yellow (default color) bgcolor.. Without TinyMCE, you can go to source tab, wrap your sentence in <mark></mark>. I think this method is liberating. Note the theme controls how to render, perhaps in a slightly different background color.
  7. fontSize .. rarely used, and always with font color. Without TinyMCE, you need to wrap your payload in <font size=…1 to 7></font>. I think this method is liberating.
  8. more bullet styles.. seldom needed. Lower-greek etc can be created with simple html.
  9. insert table .. seldom really needed
  10. — click on “ToolbarToggle”, then click on the last new icon Question mark in dark circle - Free shapes icons i.e. question mark in a black disk. Alternative, Sh-Alt-h activates this icon.
  11. Blockquote .. the Question mark in dark circle - Free shapes icons will show simple tricks to apply blockquote.
  12. Code<> .. the Question mark in dark circle - Free shapes icons will show simple tricks to apply code formatting