#1 theme of the blogpost: Buddha observed that human desires are satisfied only temporarily.
I don’t desire eternal youth. I do want healthy longevity. Limitless desire? Yes if scentifically achievable. About the only unlimited desire in me is healthy longevity. SuccessZ and successE, but not really a successC !
I don’t have endless lust or craving for novelty in sex life.
Financially, since 2018 I have felt satisfied with my current cashflow high ground. I do long for even more assurance of family livelihood, in terms of career longevity, inflation protection, healthcare assurance … The “assurance” appeals to my successE desires more than successC desires.
I am more and more aware that “financial livelihood” (including healthcare resources) is easier to control than personal health. So my current level of livelihood protections are adequate and I do not need to long for ever higher assurance.
— Q: So what imaginary role model do I envy most?
Not a big manager with his work/life balance and stress level. I guess cash flow higher ground is enviable, but I’m not that bad.
How about the founder of Xinmin School?