##time-honored but challeng`guidelines #wide-rang`#w1r2

Important life lessons taught by our mothers, a random list:

  • study well before the exams. Avoid cram.
  • — personal finance
  • After a windfall, /squirrel it away/ rather than spending a bit chunk of it (or all of it)
  • periodic expense recon
  • — wellness
  • floss every day, brush (hopefully twice) every day
  • early rise (weekends too), to avoid morning noise
  • aim at 5 workouts a week
  • some yoga practice every day. I would aim at 1 min
  • [d] eat at consistent timing
  • [v = too vague to be “hard to implement”]
  • [d = discredited. Not really necessary ]
  • — less noteworthy items
  • don’t eat if not hungry
  • take the stairs rather than escalator
  • distinguish needs vs wants i.e. lifestyle creep
  • pay off your entire credit card balance every month, and avoid incurring interests

— encourage compare-out with ordinary folks beyond your local community, and feel grateful. Control the compare-up with high flyers. See the blogpost in recrec

This guideline proved challenging but I am gradually putting it into practice. Look at my blog posts in 2019-2021.

— spend more time with kids now, until they grow up and prefer their friends.. but I find it fruitless