要求 effort ^ benchmark

update: By default i set target for result. If ineffective, then I prefer effort.

Q: In terms of daily practice, shall we parents demand the kids to put in a required amount of effort each day or meet a required benchmark each day?

  • discipline, levies? all about effort and attitude;
  • reward? about benchmark usually but maybe we should reward effort? Needs creativity and resourcefulness.
  • targets? are benchmarks, but consider non-academic benchmarks
  • daily routine? about effort
  • concentration/distraction? really about benchmark, though we like to say it’s about effort
  • self-management? self-directed effort towards a self-set bbbbbenchmark
  • tutors? I used to ask them to help with EEEffort but now I know — more effective with benchmark
  • school homework? all about eeeeffort

Piano practice — benchmark sounds more practical, but I feel effort is the better choice.
multiplication verse — benchmark
decompose new characters — benchmark, similar to multiplication verses
renzi 认字 — effort
story reading — effort
spelling — benchmark

Note – meeting a benchmark once a week is not effective for many skills (like piano). You really need to practice every single day.