overeating: morning^midnight

Update: strangely, the morning context is much easier. The appetite is less “out-of-control”.

Overeating means eating more than usual. No precise definition.

  • loss of control .. late-night overeating is bigger loss of control
  • restraint .. is what I need. In the morning, there are other family members around so I feel a semi-conscious restraint.
  • socially acceptable .. morning is less guilty. This factor is subconscious, subtle but powerful.
  • wrong-* temptation .. late night is worse
  • late-night overeating is followed by inactivity i.e. sleep 🙁
  • late-night overeating tends to delay my sleep, as I often feel a motivation to get some work done.

So let’s be more tolerant of over-eating in the morning 🙂

— one special scenario: power surge at night. Late-night overeating can be be justifiable.