always check the 1-star reviews, not the 5-start empty reviews.
Beware version conflict between theme, plugins and wordpress software.
— betterSearchReplace: must go to top row -> rightmost link -> disable 2nd of four items [HideDashboardNotices]
To update blogpost body+title, Only one Mysql table should be touched — wp_4wmfvs_posts (used to be wp_posts []) compares other plugins.
— HideDashboardNotifications. After activate, to to left menu -> HideNotices -> turn on 2nd item
* to hide reminder to upgrade to latest
* to hide warning about AdvancedEditorTools incompatibility with 5.5.3
— classic editor:
* ClassicEditor has 5 million installs .. officially maintained by the official wpress team
* disableGutenberg has 600K installs.
— admin col
— smtp
— email post changes
— force login.. see
— remove footer credit .. “powered by ..”
config is in tools-> removeFooterCredit
— save/update buttons
0) when your cursor is in the Title or Date, the Enter key works well.
1) ImprovedSaveButton adds multiple 2-in-1 commands, but I prefer to uncheck DisplayButtonAsDefault, to avoid conflict with ToolbarPublishButton
2) ToolbarPublishButton adds two buttons to toolbar (always-on-top), esp. the ViewPost button
3) SaveWithKeyboard trigger an autoSave. Sugg: increase autosave frequency (heavy on server). After autoSave, try Ctrl-S
— GEX course recommended plugins:
wordfence: security plugin
elementor: post editor, but am happy with classic. I assume classic editor is better supported.
anti-spam: to prevent bot comments
updraftPlus: for backup. Can rollback to an earlier snapshot2
all-in-one WP migration