Looki := a habit, and philosophy, an orientation, a conscious, deliberate _choice_ to look inward and focus on those unique parts of one’s own psyche not shared with other individuals.
Looko := the other choice, including a focus on other individuals…
Q: why invent my own words
A: I don’t want to look for an English (or Chinese) phrase, as those phrases invariably and eventually show unwanted connotations. Every (minor) connotation would lead to uncomfortable distortions in some contexts. I can’t tolerate any distortionas — they feel like tiny food residules stuck between my teeth.
A: also, looki/looko are short and easy to search.
— feeling good about a gradual move towards looko. An excessive looki increases the chance of depression, anxiety, self-hate over OTh,,
However, looki is not shameful, not a stigma, weakness. Looki requires huge sys2 effort (introspective self-help), and many individuals are not in tune with themselves and don’t understand why they react in unexpected ways.
The blog tag showcases blog topics that decades ago I used to put-off/put-aside due to my looki habit and “no time”.
Leisure reading .. Since the 2020s, I have more leisure in my lifestyle. However, beware mindless leisure. News reading is time consuming, and not as rewarding/fulfilling as my recreational xx.
— scope of the “t_looko” tag .. Look at the bposts with this tag. They offer the best illustration of the scope.
- Psychological discomforts .. sounds rather bookish, but might be an apt descriptor of many looki topics. Self-care is another descriptor.
- Country comparison .. in scope
- social studies, and some topics in economics, education .. in scope
- Parenting is usually out of scope.
- Pff is usually out of scope.
- tech learning, wellness .. out of scope