[24]R.Dong meet-up #reflections

k_X_focusing_illusion … k_tectonic

Let’s avoid naming names.

Re the long chat and long email I sent [Dec 10, 2024, 1:34 PM ].

— Q: where (specifically if possible) have I done well since 2012 when we last met? Let’s avoid comparing with R.Dong.
Hopefully, this question creates a positive focusing effect

A: I think he might point out BMI; regular workout; retirement plann; relatively stable jobs;;;; but in my mind answers are..

  • identifying wrong priorities of my cohort or the Chinese middle class … branded degrees for kids
  • pff .. retirement destination plann; brbr
  • career longevity plann .. maintaining a fighting form
  • branded degrees .. insider insights

— Q5: which one tectonic plate dominated the long chat? 工作, esp. stress, sustainability, job stability, career longevity, income sustainability
Q5b: which one tectonic plate is actually most important? wellness

Q5c: in 10 years, which concernS will gain///lose importance to our lives?
A: wellness, pff, career longevity /// salary

Q5d: compared to 2012 when we last met, which concernS have gained///lost importance?
A: (academic)parenting,  retirement plann, boss-appr [epa,mvea] /// salary, xx New tech

— sentence completions:
I feel good about his …. investing in daughter’s career; candor; trust in me; positive attitudes on JIV; wellness; academic parenting; assertive; bilingual skills

I felt concerned about his … insufficient savings (according to him); 30Y high-cost retirement in U.S.; career longevity; job insecurity; BMI; non-zero but insufficient exercise;

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