##[20] current quadrants


See also

This /sweeping/ analysis is _different_ from earlier quadrant /analyses/ because of context i.e. the current carefree easy life. The quadrants function as a snapshot/profile. The profile of an “average” working adult life would be heavier, possibly darker, than my profile. This is evident in my items positioned in each quadrant. Proved to be a wholesome exercise of critical thinking.

Note text size, color (and background color) are especially useful in this blogpost. I chose a range of grey, grey, blue, blue, blue, blue , blue, blue

[t = not obviously, Time is a key factor in this item ]
[d= ##dissatisfaction blackholes ]
[e = long-term struggle/endeavor (space shuttle), not an immediate to-do]

— in Jul 2022, I feel overburdened (context switching):

These stressors are kinda mild by historical standard. Below are my solutions, possibly minor but effective

  • movies… reduce unless they motivate me to work harder on the big rocks.
  • maintain harmony in family, in myself.. My screen time control can backfire.
  • sleep early if possible, but no zsms no blaming boy or wife. Learn resilience [flexible]
  • don’t worry so much about BMI. Permit comfort foods.
  • prefer workout that really reduces stress .. such as CRE

— quadrant-II i.e. important (half ranked), non-urgent. Limit to 5? Leverage items?

  1. USD TD: too much legwork. Consider longer TD
  2. compliance: move off Robinhood .. pick more names;
  3. — — long-term items, unranked —-
  4. more S27 orders .. value averaging
  5. [e] BMI .. sunshine on intermittent fasting, smoothie
  6. over-dependency on Wpress
  7. use up realYoga quota
  8. — — past items
  9. road crossing  counselling
  10. CPH counselling

— quadrant-UU i.e. not-extremely-important but no-wait-please. Note some items fall into “urgent” only because they require daily action without delay.

  • DIYHI items
  • BGC (Heverly) prepare to meet Aleris; go through BGC record for  NCT.
  • more yoga
  • — — past items
  • $1550 claim
  • L399 set-up

— quadrant-ICU i.e. important and urgent .. This quadrant shouldn’t be too empty.

  • use named tuple to rewrite github scripts
  • ? use A95 in cockpit1, but L399 needs a “probation”
  • mosquito + ants
  • — — past items
  • help kids with math competitiveness, foundation skills .. demanding in terms of time and inner strength.
  • keep up 5/wk for intimacy
  • rate hike plann
  • help meimei with rounding, reduce wife’s worry
  • find serenity against site-block

— quadrant-NN i.e. non-important non-urgent, but these items still need some sunshine

  • stand more ] ff.. Start in the early morning or evening.
  • 5/wk … increase variety.. basketball, swim, lunges
  • relocate bposts from https://draft.blogger.com/blog/posts/24802532
  • $700 handout for wife: wait for SMS -> a week later check eligibility
  • DinersClub voucher + CDA use up
  • reduce overlap between need4reflect and roti@blogg
  • [d] BGC insurance .. see blogpost on why not-important