[[lifespan development]]: job competency

Lifespan development, as a subdomain of psychology, is centered on the self, rather than OC-effective, leadership, soft skills, communications, organization, interpersonal, and all the things emphasized in the corporate world. However the domain relies on objective, evidence-based, data-based looko methodology, rather than introspection.

Lifespan dev is fundamentally a comparative study of segments of the entire human population. There is often special attention on disadvantaged segments.

Lifespan dev is about self-mastery but more than that.

Lifespan dev is about personal and family wellbeing, not so much about community wellbeing.

— On-the-job effectiveness .. not a central theme in this domain, but examined as as a foundational factor in personal wellbeing. There’s no prejudice against the individual-contributor. In fact, many individual contributors derive more wellbeing from the same employer than some managers do.

The textbook provides a comprehensive framework. Based on this framework, I think other (possibly more fundamental) factors include:

  • (G3:=a top-3 factor)
  • G2 wellness and healthcare support
  • G7 stress coping capacity and habit; resilience
  • G3 family .. harmony, family support
  • education .. as a life chance determinant
  • G5 occupation .. (distinct from on-the-job effectiveness)  a meaningful, desirable job as reliable source of income, self-esteem, a vocation AND an occupation