j4 using multiple browser brands .. if you are comfortable with a single browser brand (say, Chrome) rather than multiple browser brands, then the impact of Chrome issue is more scary, more stressful, requires more painful adjustments.
— J4 multiple installations
- j4: sometimes chrome (or another brand) keeps crashing.. see below
- j4: sometimes a brand uses too much memory
- j4: Edge (or another brand) may have less community tech support, and I may have to live with a pain
- j4: when I try a new brand, I have often discovered unfamiliar features, which may be available on all brands but unknown to me
- j4: sometimes firefox (or another brand) has problem printing a page
- j4: multiple installations could let me separate frequent sites like “blogging -> opera; MLP -> Firefox; audio/rbh -> Edge; “
- j4: during stock picking due diligence, I often need separate windows for rbh, blog, research sites. Multiple brands can help a bit
— [2015] browser crashing .. and I must consider another machine !
I need a “basic usable” browser.
Firefox? Need to completely remove
Action: researching
Chrome? Need to completely remove
Action: researching
Also can search on the error message I get but time consuming. I feel chrome issues get more forum discussions. Try chromecrashes.com