[21]手机失控: 大势已去@@ #有识之士 #w1r2

cf: We can ask the same question on drugs. In some US and UK neighborhoods, everyone takes recretional drugs, which could be legalized and sold in vending machines.

cf: We can ask the same question on /tobacco/. In my high school, 100% boy (except me) learned to smoke including the most diligent and serious students like Li Jing Hua, LSAgain.

David (Cigna) said 危难时期,总有几个有识之士[1],挺身而出,力挽狂澜, 甚至知其不可而为之. In the family, this person is often the father.  Here’s one example in my family. In my Zed years, my sis fell into financial difficulties. I felt she was beyond rescue. I sensed the same attitude from my mom. However, my dad committed himself 100% to rescue her. He didn’t know if it would cost his entire savings. He committed everything he had.

[1] first step is to recognize the gravity of the matter. My wife probably doesn’t realize it. She probably thinks it is fine. Well, the phone addiction destroys lives.