See also
- ##[21]visibleGrowth plateau: #江河日下 #w1r5
- ##battery[def]: 积累 strategic val #plowback
- quadrants ] ezlife
During the 2020/21 carefree “easy life”, my disposable time usually hit the energy sinks, but I want to see some plowback like …
- — half ranked in terms of unique, original or innovative ideas of plowback
- [s1] DIY — can be a livelihood protection
- [s1] AMB as a recreation
- call Bj and sister — more often
- [s2] piano as recreation — a time-consuming plowback with excellent /retention/. See other blogposts.
- [s3] cpf (long-horizon) cash flow planning
- dram-refresh — spend the extra disposable time on dram-refresh of wellness + tech blogs. How about parenting blogposts? 温故知新 is more effective for me than others
- [a] blog optimization
- .. wordpress hosting — operational efficiency in self-care, problem-solving, decision-making
- —- classic/proven or familiar plowback
- [s1] bonding with kids — spend the extra disposable time building bond with kids. reduce his smartphone addictive tendency and replace it with more wholesome hobbies
- .. to a lesser extent, academic coaching
- [s2] localSys — great plowback during office hours
- [s1] fitness — improve BMI and build stamina, strength, flexibility… remains the most strategic plowback, despite the limited accumulation
- [a s2] personal finance — such as stock picking? Control needed. Tcost is way too high, so ROTI of this plowback is extremely challenging. Most people end up buying indices !
- [a=obsessive becoming negative addiction]
- [s1~s3=strategic value. “Not strategic” is the default ]
— plowback to achieve some batt accumulation — is crucial
— plowback to build more layers of defenses + alternatives?
if nothing noteworthy to add, then just leave this question open.
— this blogpost is paradoxically both 1) an oth risk and 2) a valuable question that deserves revisit.