##gain` traction+vision {years@envyP2: wellness+finance #w1r5

  • eg: to increase monthly flossing frequency … very hard over the decades … I devised to “trade” brushing and flossing. I also used flossing handles, which are inferior but better than not flossing.

https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=21688&action=edit&classic-editor is the main blogpost

—- [] eg: better intimacy.. My traction secrets? Cardio
—- [] eg: chin-up 100/D was daunting.. my traction secret? Spread-out.
—- [] eg: change brushing to flossing sessions
—- [et] eg: raw carrot .. In 2018 I started trying. I knew right away it’s one of the tougher raw vegetables for me , while some people enjoy raw carrots.
My traction secrets? In late 2020, I have found one type of carrot slightly enjoyable, better than the U.S. baby carrot !
—- [ehmrt] eg: BMI — for decades I couldn’t break the 65kg barrier, 63kg barrier, and 140 lb barrier (like sound barrier)
My traction secrets? intermittent fasting; meal delay; veg/fruits; starch abstinence
—- [cmt] eg: hungry no eat … for decades I believed that when hungry, if we don’t have food to eat, we damage our body, but the BBC program proved that intermittent or multi-day fasting can be completely OK for many healthy adults. My vision was changed forever.
—- [t] eg: 30 pull-up in one go … My traction secrets? slowly and relentlessly building up from 15 to 30
—- [e] eg: great sex in 2020 … My traction secrets? workout 3 times a week and immediately before sex
—- [t] eg: late sleep … for decades I worried about long-term health effect of late night sleep, until I decided to find out from annual health screening. My vision secret? Ask doctors for professional opinion.
—- [et] eg: curl up … (and muscle-up): As of Oct 2020 I can go up 10 times without getting off the bar
My traction secrets? swing + (explosive) power

—- [ehrt] eg: yoga — better eg than jogging. I envied those (mostly ladies) who can do yoga regularly, sometimes at home. Way too hard for me.
My vision secret? How did I change my perception and then my habit? This is one of the hardest way-finding journeys, described in several blogposts. In short, aim at easy, short sessions.

  • sitting in lotus pose? Not successful yet but won’t give up.

—- eg: Even before teenage years I noticed many people taking very slow jogs .. waste of time. It slowly dawned on me that it was good for their health. In my 20’s I realized jogging improves stamina, gives an immediate boost to my mood, and my self-confidence — vision!

  • [e] Barefoot jogging gives me additional joy.
  • Running in the rain gives me additional self-esteem.
  • [c] The mass jogging atmosphere at the TPY stadium always gives me a boost.
  • [m] Just getting to the stadium even without jogging, would be 50% of the battle

— [et] eg: jogging outside stadiums — for years I envied joggers able to run on hard surfaces, until I somehow found a way to do it myself.
My traction secrets? I still don’t have many explicit techniques like livelyPlaces, goodFootwear, slow

Hidden barrier was some perception of boring, joyless experience.
—- [c] eg: jogging/workout 5+ times a week — I only found out around age 30 that my energy level (and sleep), self-confidence, resilience, self-esteem, self-image .. all or some of these metrics would reach new height after I hit 3+ runs a week.

Time and absorbency are two limiting factors for 99.9% of the people. 3+ runs a week is hard. My traction secret? For me, there’s some magic in jogging (my traction secret). In contrast, aerobic exercise was somehow less effective, including jumping, lunge. Aerobic class is almost as good as jogging.

Is this a defining eg of “traction“? Yes.
======== above is wellness, deserving more sunshine; below is finance, my strongest strength =====
—- [ce] prestigious college cost — My Asian friends all seems prepared for this burden.
My vision secrets? Inside tips like Kyle’s
— [ceh] eg: sdxq housing — price tag was unbearable esp. in monthly outlay. I asked around without solution. My Asian friends all seem to take on this burden.
My vision secrets? Then I noticed lease spread in 43R model.

Visible or hidden barrier: the buyers of these houses are wealthy, so you will compete with the wrong group.
—- [cet] eg: multiple properties — I had constant envy for those owning multiple properties but unable to afford a single $500k unit
My traction secrets? When I started investing in SEA properties, I had to tolerate credit risk, political risk etc
—- [eht] dividend income to exceed $1k/m. Was hard to achieve for decades. My traction solution? Give up on mutual funds. Use rental property instead.

Hidden barriers: expRatio;
—- [cem] stock picking
—- [] re my mail to Edmund of SCB, most retail investors have not found a vision secrets like mine. Someday I could copy the content from that email.
—- [em] eg (less related to the title of this blogpost): rental cost burden — many U.S. renters spend 30%+ of income on rental, and it’s too high. Some renters even borrow from credit card to pay rent.
My traction solution? Self-discipline to live with modest accommodations.

  • In SG I used to pay $300 on a salary of $3k. Increased to $600 (for two homes) on $5k salary.
  • In the U.S. I was paying typically $700 on $70k-160k salary.
  • After I had a baby, I was sub-letting with net outlay below $1400. Sub-letting required risk-management and flexibility — my tip on reducing the 30%.

I refused to follow the conventional wisdom and /fork out/ 25% of total income to get a more “comfortable accommodation”. in 2009, I actually spent more than 25% of my 6k/M (92k pretax) on the Newport home.

—- [cemt] heavy-weight example : bare-bones ffree —
For years I envied those who can afford to retire early if so desired.

My traction secrets? I found several secrets that make it possible for me, such as Brbr/FullerWealth, nonworkIncome, leaseSpread, SG healthcare, and the t_bizTime article.

I also realized how and why we achieved ffree several times in my family. See eg@personal ffree within%%family