sizing up strangers: socioeconomic #wellness^nationality

First impression is like judging a book by its cover. In this bpost I’m looking at socioeconomic strata. For better focus, let’s limit to no more than 3 elements:

  • physical wellness [posture, skin, dental] .. 5% ~~> 25% of my assessment
  • educated and sophisticated vocab/articulation/manners .. continues to be 45%
  • implied_nationality/ethnicity/accent .. 50% ~~> 30%, esp. relevant when sizing up Caucasians
  • How about Dress? .. not a factor in itself but often a subtle hint of education, income, and socioeconomic strata. Somehow, dress is rather important in China.

— Caucasians .. Interestingly, when we meet a Caucasian from Latam or Eastern Europe (including Russia), we don’t perceive them as wealthy, sophisticated and privileged.

But hey, how do we know which region she comes from? Nationality is usually unknown, so here I am talking about implied nationality.

I remember meeting some Eastern European professional in Singapore. He talked about the welfare (available to foreigners) while working in Britain.