(See also post on US^SG advantages, and post on charms of US)
I now feel when we get used to life in the US the inconvenience would disappear. We could discover good things about the US life style such as
* more spacious homes
* less academic pressure
* more universities to choose from
Reverse thinking — if a family were to move from US or China or Australia… to Singapore, they would also experience tough
- My Macquarie colleagues said rental is way too high, more than double compared to home country.
- hard to enroll into local schools. Intl schools too ex.
- Many complain about crammed homes. Better than Hongkong but still hard to get used to for some new comers.
- Many people lament that owning a car is too expensive.
- Many Chinese nationals suffer in this English-dominant society.
- Many China friends don’t like local food
- Many parents (me included) complain about undue academic pressure and paper chase… See post on 5 advantages.
Why I seldom complain about these is because I got used to it over 20 years. So it seems our #1 US complaint — inconvenience — is not so special.