##[22]increase^reduce: t-allocation ] ezlife #starv`=optimal

Fact: for some of us, we always feel insufficient allocation to this or that aspects of our lives. (To be fair, occasionally we do feel some over-allocation.)

Our t-allocation decisions are dynamic, fluid and largely run by System1, therefore never precise and /impeccable/. I feel the need to constantly review my allocation decisions over short and long histories, and adjust. I mean Allocation of time + System2 resources [attention, energy, absorbency…] The higher ground I want to push toward is a situation where I find very few items constantly starved/underserved, and ideally the short-term “starvation” is more evenly spread out across [3].
On this higher ground, I would really remember a few (temporary) success stories of adjustment. The success stories empower me to endeavor to correct/adjust my allocation strategy, and avoid the familiar “powerless guilt” driven by the /tyranny/ of perfectionism.

[3] Aha-Insight: starvation=optimal. Simultaneous sunshine/time starvation across multiple tectonic_plates is the essence of optimal allocation. This observation is similar to the “simultaneous saturation” in optimization.

Since 2022,

  • I have decreased tech xx including deep_work, compared to years ago (partly due to diminishing return), replaced with practical scripting, automation, localSys,,, nearly optimal
  • .. Whenever I spend some spare time on QQ or CIV, I do feel fitter, “more prepared”
  • I have 🙂 reduced fren dialog t-spends and created temporary starvation… optimal
  • I have 🙂 maintained workout t-spends .. optimal
  • I have 🙂 increased family time, esp. with boy and meimei .. nearly optimal
  • I have experienced increasing demand (on my Sys2 resources) from BGC, Cambodia, US tax, US stocks, USD TD, calc recon on EGA/RBBT,, nearly optimal
  • I have increased blogg (and other efforts) as self-care…. nearly optimal. As noted in the blogpost on I-statement, my type of blogging is not easy, not lazy, takes training and effort.

^^ Now I don’t feel the burn [self-discipline, with materialistic gains]
My father, in his twilight years, would probably prefer quiet peaceful time,,, not burn.

Perhaps my current t-allocation is nearly /optimal/, based on the successE definition

jolt: now I have relatively limited bandwidth allocated to tech learning or work projects. In contrast, MSFM period was visibly high intensity “burning” but in hind sight, was it worthwhile?

Q: how do we make this blogpost more unique, rather than just another t-allocation blogpost?

In the current life stage marked by carefree job, brbr, fulltime wife taking care of 2 kids,,,, I see an interesting array of initiatives competing for limited absorbency and bandwidth (in terms of time,  mental energy)

I don’t know if my carefree life has brought me to this new “comfort zone”. I used to feel the traction/engagement/accu on tech learning, wellness, parenting. Most of these “domains” require effort or absorbency. I felt the burn and ROTI. Since 2020 (?) my focus has gravitated towards per-finance. Sometimes I’m pulled into news or curiosity searches. See the sink.

It’s always useful to pair up a Increase piece with a Reduce piece.

  • — Reduce
  • [v] reduce/maintain t-allocation to the growing fuxi items in git-blog
  • ?slow down blogging outside the specified topics below — git blogging, blog review
  • reduce friend sharing
    • [v] meet-up is most time-consuming. Always prefer jogging before meet-up.
    • [v] slow down email; reduce t-allocation to email backlog .. Nearly optimal
  • reduce and postpone per finance like SIA, FSM, FWD,,,  I feel this is growing and taking up more and more bandwidth.
  • [v] reduce news reading/watching — a popular, approved diversion. In the carefree phase, it may be more practical to allocate some spare time to these legitimate leisure.
    • [v] reduce leisure reading despite my growing library of free books.. Nearly optimal
    • [v] reduce or warehouse curiosity searches. Optimal
  • —- now the domains
  • — wellness
  • [an s3] maintain (increase if possible) jogging, or increase t-efficiency with shorter workouts as substitute
  • [n] more frequent yoga. more classes? Time consuming and stressful due to penalty. Perhaps wait till restrictions relax
    • ([a] maintain yoga self-practice)
  • [n s2] maintain nutritional research and experiment
  • — parenting
  • slow down: read more books on parenting
  • review my blog
  • ? bring kids out more often
  • — career/安身立命
  • [a s1] c++ critical mass maintenance — thick-> thin, 温故知新. Decline is probably faster than coding drill, therefore more strategic.
  • [an s1] coding drill refresh — to keep in shape, 温故知新. As I told ChengShi, I had an ideal of continuous practice which may demand a lot of absorbency and concentration. Is it sustainable?
  • [an s1] more localSys fuxi — I had the bigGun/laserGun concepts, among many blogposts that I revisited. I may need to remove some other “initiatives” so as to concentrate on localSys
  • — other
  • [a=absorbency required]
  • [s1~s3=strategic value. “Not strategic” by default ]
  • [n=candidate as a new driver]
  • [v=starvation can be optimal]

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