“Focused mental effort” is the target of this analysis. This focus is related to another scarce resource i.e. absorbency.
- focus on ROTI over a weekend — Without a constant focus, ROTI can become dismal, but this focus is a scarce resource…
- focus on delay of meals during intermittent fasting — This focus requires constant albeit moderate effort.
- focus on coding drill — Without this focus, it’s hard to overcome the inertia.
- focus on work project — often becomes challenging when no one is around me and timeline is lax. This focus requires self-discipline + mental effort. When I’m tired, I review the @defocus items in MSOL
Beware — focused effort is necessary but insufficient condition. You may need other conditions like privacy.
— other items
- starch reduction — no longer requires focused effort
- daily mini-stretch — requires minimal focus after I get into the habit, but until I get out of the habit.