G9 late-sleep diet tactics

I have adjusted this blogpost for a few months and it is not effective. I need to review other blogposts!

Note if home food is irresistible, then i need to eat a LOT of veg/fruits/milkshake to 90% to go with the high calorie foods.

  • — some items for the “seasonal promotion”:
  • delay all meals. Fight the bao3shan1 battle. Don’t give up. As illustrated in proactive^passive acceptance , Don’t accept the “fate” that I will always be powerless against the leftover food. Postpone it as far as possible  and you may succeed in fending it off once a while.
  • — now the tactics
  • [n] box up all the home cooked food. The tcost is acceptable. This has proven to reduce the temptation and increase my chance of successful defense.
  • [n] reward my abstinence with ice cream and milkshake?
  • [n] keep lettuce pre-washed in fridge, as a (crazy) substitute for rice ! Newly discovered trick
  • [n] be ready to discard some foods
  • leave the home cooked food to the stressful hours, not before. Worried about sleep with a stomach filled? LG
  • maintain starch restriction with or without weight improvement. Strengthen it whenever feasible.
  • put away some of the left-over food in the fridge as early as possible. Pick the most tempting foods.[1]
    • Use big boxes if needed. Ask wife for smaller boxes, or buy them from provision shops
  • Sleep earlier. That’s the most obvious solution.
    • I think 10 times I sleep late, at least once and often 9 times I would end up eating more in the extra hours.
    • early sleep may induce morning hunger — more manageable than midnight hunger
  • Try not to perceive the late night supper habit as evil, or character defect. It has some positive elements. If we embrace it as part of the self, it could be easier to deal with. Negative perception may or may not be the best attitude.
  • [n=innovative]

— [1] If there’s no tempting food left, then just put everything in the fridge and reward yourself with ice-cream or something else!

This is such a easy win, but I tend to give it away and pay a high price in BMI !

Apparently, cooked veg, fish, meat may be bad stuff in BMI improvement, but I think they are better than starch and fat. Let us keep the current level and monitor.