jogging^blogging — These two stand out as “lifelong” stress-coping solutions of active self-care i.e. I rely on them throughout my life since teenage years.
- How about sleep? Too passive for complex challenges that require problem-solving.
- How about reading? Not really directed at my stressors
- How about chatting? Not really effective or efficient, and creates dependency on other people. They may not have time for me.
self_coach`=one@%%G5 coping strategies + repetitive blogging=valuable imt self-help/counselling talk about a specific type of therapeutic blogging.
— both require chunks of time.
— both solitary in nature, though group exercise also works well.
Through my career, I rely on jogging much more than group exercise.
— both require minimal equipment
I would say a good jogging park is needed. I don’t enjoy jogging on street.
blogging requires a laptop and often internet