## lockdown⇒ G3 damages@my life #harbor


See also 1st days back in office 

This “Group of big 3 damages” highlights the real priorities among priorities.

  1. loss of private space (quiet hours) for reflective blogging and self care, but since late May 2020 I could go to MRT or bus interchange
    • the #1 most critical situation — family conflict. Lockdown results in Loss of harbor. In the form of office or MRT (later the bus interchange), the harbor had become a critical resource I depend on, similar to my son’s dependency on electronic devices.
    • A separate room did make a real difference, after grandparents left. Even though it is 10% as effective as office, this 10% is a Big Deal !
  2. bonding with boy — I had more frustrations, and more bursts of temper, until May.
  3. loss of opportunities to capture absorbency power-surges. I rely on these power surges to compete.
    • work projects, localSys
    • QQ
    • exercise, yoga
  4. — beyond g3, unranked
  5. diet and BMI loss of control
  6. sleep — my late hours often lead to poor sleep the next morning, with noisy kids.
  7. loss of exercise opportunities — absorbency, facilities, until I found the jogging tracks.
  8. no family outing, until we found the PCN at Lorong 8
  9. yoga
  10. standing desk usage

— Some of the unexpected triumphs:

  • More positive perception of wife’s parenting practices
  • I learned to accept my kids’ misbehavior — ignore, or become detached observer
  • jogging
  • repaired many things at home
  • wrong-time temptation at home meal time
  • intimacy with wife