##self-care under lockdown: private hour usages #MRT


Private hour is precious, mostly for self-care. I need to be selective when allocating private hours. If I devise a scheme to record utilization rate of each 30-min block, I suspect bulk of my private hours are spent .. elsewhere.

  1. sleep — Aim at more sleep (8H) than under un-heightened stress.
    1. Under heightened stress, Lack of sleep creates profound risk on performance worry, immunity, family harmony…. the steadfast focus targets
  2. therapeutic blogging, including some emails with friends, is my version of “meditation”.
    • I had to do this at MRT or in a park, with mlphone as hotspot
    • git-blogging and web blogging both became therapeutic self-care
  3. work project — underlies self-confidence, self-esteem, and reduces self-hate, anxiety… May need private hour
    • localSys including reviews — less likely to need private hours

Q: what self-care t-spends don’t work so well
A: Don’t aim to be there for “them” all the time. I need quietime4selfcare
A: movies
A: Robinhood — too time consuming. I can’t “stop after 1 minute” as i wanted

Some self-care acts do __N_O_T__ require private hour:

  • home repairs — (similar to gardening) tcost but can be therapeutic. Sense of achievement.
  • covid19 news reading
  • Robinhood, FSM
  • read [[chicken soup]], [[读者]] etc
  • Eng vocab blog review
  • movies with kids — generate self-hate, though it sometimes builds some bonding
  • time with grandpa — yes self-care
  • help grandparents with logistics — not self-care
  • longer sleep than before — Can generate guilt. Can help immunity
  • — the familiar
  • git-blogging or review of tanbinvest and 610610 blogs? guilty, but can do during day time, in another room.
  • jogging, perhaps in parks? don’t need private hours. probably the most efficient self-care. Sometimes it lifts my mood, but this time is mostly invisible self-care. I need to maintain and hopefully increase the workout.
  • mini exercise? kind of self-care, albeit too short to feel “tough” enough; Doesn’t need private hour
  • tech xx or recrec blog? makes me feel doing something to strengthen myself, but no private hour needed