Background: 4 def@success
SuccessZ can require a tough effort, self-discipline, and a punishing/painful postponement of (xpSelf’s) gratification. In the same vein, Buddhist abstinence is a huge sacrifice by the xpSelf.. Not worth it IMO.
— my definition of failureZ/successZ .. success can mean 自强不息[zqbx] about personal goals such as wellness, parenting, caring for aged parents, absorbency, self-improvement, rather than as a deadweight to someone else.
* Unlike the other definitions of success/failure, this definition is highly personal and therefore least-understood. It can also be vague. I think the best keyword is zqbx
* Unlike the other definitions of success/failure, there’s no luck in this success. It’s all effort and no luck. This success is the most /demanding/.
* Unlike the other definitions of success/failure, you slip into failure if you rest on your laurels and enjoy 一劳永逸.
A familiar category of 自强不息 personal goal is lifelong learning. It prevents brain aging, keeps the mind + body young and active. But you can’t be successful at lifelong learning without a purpose. We need a way to adjust our self-learning when it is ineffective.
Other personal goals can be a slightly bigger cause beyond the self. For example, I work hard to reduce waste of water, electricity, by repair/reuse. The FIRE movement emphases self-reliance.
As another defining example, a parent can be a successZ if she saves her child from a bad outcome, by working tirelessly with the child.
— Q: what failureZ/successZ areas need more sunshine, beyond the familiar-albeit-important BMI/workout/techXX//. The more specific the better.
- localSys
- cpp critical mass maintenance
- math coaching for both kids
- more standing in office
- early rise, early sleep
— self-actualization
The 自强不息 efforts often have minimal lasting impact (failureL), but worthwhile to myself. I guess it’s a form of self-actualization, related to the Buddhist ideal of enlightenment.
CNA author Grace Yeoh defined success based on “Whether I like myself”, which is related to self-esteem, self-love. Similarly, when Joseph Schooling asked his father what his definition of success was, Colin Schooling replied in public: “Success is being able to look at yourself in the mirror, and be comfortable with the image that you see reflected. So long as you can see yourself and be comfortable, and be happy and satisfied that you have done no wrong to anybody. Just being happy with yourself. I think that is success.”
However, these definitions are too vague, too unstable, therefore good for a theoretical definition (rather than working definition) for most people esp. young people.
— Life_chances … are both goals and obstacles to successZ. In a sense, successZ is about “lack” of Life_chances . If an individual already enjoys good Life_chances then zqbx is not needed as much as otherwise.
— case study .. accepting lower pay as an aging SWE is a worthwhile (defining?) case study and illustration of succcessZ.
— case study .. Rahul of MS was an intriguing case study. A smoker, avid gamer and not really slim, he is nevertheless driven by self-improvement.