This is another WinUp type of problem… AA) recurring BB) without solution CC) irritating
— The main problem: I suspect the “easy and lazy” practice of many people (esp. spoilt kids) is to use exclusively-new batteries. Therefore, once they put a new battery into an apparatus, they won’t ever bother to save it in a stash for reuse somewhere else, even if the apparatus is used only that one time, and the new battery in it is only used for 5 minutes /from cradle to grave/. Saving it in a stash requires sys2 effort [/organization/, discipline, compliance…. ]
I find this habit unacceptable esp. in my family. If my kids gets into this habit, I become upset.
The subsequent problem: Sometimes, they buy a pack of 8 batteries, use 3 then mix the remaining 5 with other batteries including used ones. Then they don’t know which batteries are new. So they end up buying another pack of 8.
— problem: many batteries expire after 3Y (alkaline up to 10Y) even if unused, so they can appear like half-used.
To preserve new batteries, store them separately from old batteries.
— problem: batteries are heavy, so we tend to throw away when we have too many new ones.
— sugg: buy 16-pack and split it into 2-packs. Shrink-Wrap each.
~ how about stapler on my tiny zipbag?
~ how about transparent sticky tape-wrap? You can write “NEW” on the tape.
— sugg: buy cheap throw-away batteries in many small (original) packs like doubles
Goal is to discourage them buying expensive “regular price” batteries.
— sugg: after 3 batteries are shown to “fail” once, feel free to discard without guilt, even though one of those batteries could be good.
— sugg: keep new batteries segregated from used battery, so I could use the “old” batteries
Rationale: when a battery fails to work in some apparatus, we really need to try a new battery to be sure. Therefore, new batteries are valuable.
The total cost of this “segregation” is a bit too high
Compliance — family tend to ignore it.
— sugg: battery tester ….. to reduce the effort of separating used vs new batteries. However they are not always accurate. I think tester will get misplaced, and disappear due to disuse.
— sugg: rechargeable ….. as a solution to the mindless buying and excessive storage cost: doesn’t work in my family, as other family members lose the rechargeable batteries
I will keep a pocket-size single-charger.