##reduce annoyances b4 StressSpike #preEmptive

k_X_power_descriptor ,,, k_X_upkeep

See also

In contrast to ## get on the offensive #proactive, the (often minor ) annoyances below can grow into stressors when my “healthcare system overwhelmed”. Therefore, it’s best to chip away at them when not under stress. In this blogpost we want specific items, not broad mega-items.

  • capacity plann for categories of books/magazines
  • /downsize/ pouch
  • ## pruning such as blogs
  • review the passwords
  • — repair/replace:
  • cover sharp corners
  • bike tire
  • home fixtures,
  • avoid batt overcharging
  • touch screen cleaning
  • — wellness
  • ##regular upkeep]40’s#quadrant has many, though not exclusively wellness

— Q: What kinda buffer would be effective against these and other random stressors? The more specific the better

  1. — half ranked by value
  2. [r] short commute. books/devices to keep me productive on commute
  3. [d r] evening/weekend flexible work hours + light workload
  4. [s] adequate rest including sleep
  5. [s r] plenty of paid time-off
  6. [s] consistent time allocated to jogging, yoga and strength training, like 5d/wk
  7. [s] mini crossfit workout
  8. [d] consistent time allocated to coding drill
  9. [r] telecommute esp. in the U.S. context
  10. [r=stress reduction]
  11. [s=stress shield/protector]
  12. [d=stress deflection/prevention]