absorbency n effort, again #leetcode

My criticism on boy is mostly about effort and absorbency, but my own absorbency is also limited. So is my wife’s absorbency. 五十步笑百步。 I’m unable to do N leetcode problems a week!

Compared to him, I think I know the long-term consequences better.

I think my son is making some effort. His math talent and absorbency (abilities) is limited. If that’s the case we have limited reason to blame him. We had better accept him as is. Perseverance is questionable. When I used perseverance to push myself into doing push-up, sit-up, forward-bend in my Sec 2, I couldn’t last.

Q: Is Absorbency part of effort or abilities?
A: In my case, it’s an ability. In my son, i tend to see it as effort… double standard!