##header_keyword #


I use header_keywords as “meta keywords” for SearchEng, while tags are more powerful, more convenient, more visible.

Paradox: Somehow, the tanbinvest blog has more tags (140+) than the open blog but I don’t feel a real pain or j4 converting some of them to header_keywords. Why? I guess I use tagging less in tanbinvest. Leverage [cost/benefit ratio] isn’t so high.

🙂 Note WPAPP can use “k_bed Bug_wisdom” to search k_bedBug_wisdom bposts

— j4 header_keywords .. btw Rare and Unique words such as “1169” don’t need to become header_keywords. We can simply search for them on WPAPP 🙂

  1. Problems with tags: …. Too many tags crowd out the important tags on a heavily-tagged bpost with 6 or even 8 tags. Most of the 6 are marginally relevant, because the bpost is mostly about the other 2 tags. After 3 years, you won’t recognize which tags are really relevant to this bpost
  2. Another problem: Chinese in tags .. unsupported.
  3. Another problem: long phrase in tags … clumbsy esp. on WPAPP
  4. minor problem: too many tags in a single blog slows down tag auto-suggest.

==== [s] requirement on header_keyword formation: unambiguous
short names can be ambiguous, misleading, double-meaning. They can also show up in another header_keyword [3]!
long names can be restrictive. Some parts of the long name can be misleading.

Header_keywords are usually unique [perhaps relying on wording and underscores]. They can be pretty lengthy :). A header_keyword phrase will use underscore as connector, but can also use camelCase. Avoid hythens and “^” … they break  sleection_by_double_click.

Q: camelCase vs phrase_connected_by_underscore .. preferrable?
A: Phrase_connected_by_underscore IS a real advantage to header_keyword over tags.
A: I now feel a standard phrase can use camelCase like … lifeChance, hotkey
A: I also feel a keyword using abbreviations can use camelCase like … selfEval, finHealth
A: I now feel camalCase and abbreviations can help shorten header_keywords near top of a page

==== requirement on header_keyword formation: stable
header_keywords need to be stable, perhaps based on established words and established or homegrown abbreviations. Should be correct English. Prefer well-known phrases in favor of homemade phrases like … money_safe, k_not_only_luck, k_X_PPD_China

~~ rename a header_keyword .. I need a plugin:( and I need the header_keyword to be highly distinctive, not part of another word[3]. See ##plugins #tip@Replace

[3] A short header_keyword (like “k_hacker”) could become part of another header_keyword, and complicates renaming process

~~ converting header_keywords to wpress tags  .. Two steps: It’s easy to 1) apply the new tag, but harder to 2) remove the old header_keyword
Sugg: keep all header_keywords near top of each bpost…. would make it easy to remove a given header_keyword from multiple bposts.

~~ A subset of the cross-blog header_keyword will look like k_X_zzz meaning “k_X_zzz is supposed to be permantly cross-blog.”   When a regular header_keyword upgrades to cross-blog or downgrades, I don’t have bandwidth to rename it by adding/removing _X_.

However, without the _X_, I may fail to know that I need to rename across blogs 🙁

Q: Perhaps it’s better to completely remove all _X_? No. Favor those stable ones.
Q: there are many T_xyz tags with small memberships. Can we convert a T_xyz in blog1 to header_keyword  but keep T_xyz in blog2?
%%A: I think that’s pragmatic though not ideal

==== drawbacks of header_keyword cf tag

  • #1 drawback: From the WPAPP, the tags are info-radiators. I’m often surprised to find out “Oh this bpost has tagAbc!” I often click on the tagAbc to see what other bposts have it. With header_keyword, I would need to open the bpost to see
  • .. Sugg: homemade info radiator .. add some of the key words to bpost titles
  • #2: renaming/removing a popular tag is much easier than a header_keyword
  • full listing .. of (100+) header_keywords is, unlike tags, difficult and challenging
  • auto-suggest .. supported on Tags not header_keywords

~~ unexpected but frequent drawback : two overlapp header_keywords.. I know from experience. Two (or more) wpress tags can become overlapping like a slow chemical reaction:) By and large, overlapp is more annoying with wpress tags on the WPAPP. Not so distracting or annoying if occuring with header_keywords.

Suppose tagAA, tagBB tagCC and tagDD are related and possibly overlapping. If they are wpress tags, I can go to any AA bpost, click on “tagAA”, easily locate my (valuable) confluence_bpost [tagged with AA/BB/CC/DD], and discover the confluence of AA/BB/CC/DD

Once you find a header_keyword in “overlapp” condition, you often need to rename it for disambiguation.

Sugg: If you suspect a header_keyword to be overlapp with others, then convert it to a tag Early.

— Some outdated tags can be converted to header_keywords. I prefer to convert those tags that are verbose, vague or too wide-ranging.

  • — #half-ranked by “birth”
  • T_finHealth^health -> k_financialHealth_v_health … yes
  • t_winUP
  • t_hotkey -> k_hotkey (one word)
  • t_j4slim
  • t_carefree (Posts ‹ btv-open — WordPress) -> k_carefree知足常乐easy_life
  • t_selfEval -> k_self_eval
  • t_selfTalk (12) category -> k_self_talk
  • T_lifeChance -> k_X_lifeChance
  • t_resilience (9) -> k_resilience .. yes
  • t_Tanko2rule -> k_Tanko_2_rules
  • t_bonus_zen -> k_bonus_self_coach or k_bonus_selfcare
  • .. k_bonus_stigma
  • .. t_bonus tag will be retained for “other bposts related to bonus”
  • t_starhub … no need to convert because these bposts don’t have too many tags

— notes on specific keywords, roughly sorted (_X_ ignored), at best effort

  • [o=risk of overlapp]
  • [s=highly specific, not abstract, not ambiguous, low risk of overlapp]
  • [o] k_all_green_dashboard
  • k_anger_mgmt
  • k_arthur_brooks
  • [s] k_bedBug_wisdom
  • k_CAD
  • k_X_car_dependency
  • k_career_leverage .. excludes the tech xx topics of high leverage
  • k_celebrate_every_small_good_news .. “lengthy” pilot
  • k_classify_objects
  • k_X_compliance
  • k_counsellor
  • k_ctbz
  • k_daily_battle
  • [o] k_detach
  • k_def_of_success
  • k_disk_hog … storage optimization
  • [s] k_divorce
  • k_ETF_assetClass
  • [s] k_X_FOMO_v_livelihood
  • k_X_focusing_illusion
  • [s] k_gCloud … more generic than gDrive
  • k_hongkong
  • [s] k_Kahneman
  • k_my_kindness
  • [o] k_mellow
  • k_miswanting_blindFOMO .. perhaps convert to tag but I converted to k_* to avoid overloading on some overtagged posts
  • k_my_adapted_jargon .. adapted from standard jargon. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=8210&action=edit
  • k_not_only_luck ….. luck vs effort
  • [s] k_office_sanctuary
  • [s] k_passwd
  • [o] k_penalty_on_kids
  • k_X_power_descriptor
  • [s] k_X_PPD_China ..
  • k_Promethean_struggle .. no longer close2heart
  • [o] k_quietime
  • k_rmSelf_vs_xpSelf
  • [s] k_short_term_mem_challenge
  • k_soul_search
  • [o] k_therapeutic_reflective_blogg
  • k_tyrant_of_rmSelf
  • k_UGC -> k_User_generated_content?
  • k_X_upkeep
  • k_wechat .. first aid and survival tips about wechat
  • k_X_细水长流 as a first Chinese header_keyword
  • — proposed
  • k_rikigai_via_nonprofits

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