Abraham Maslow explored perceptionOfReality in self-actualization. I like the concept of perceptionOfReality [and 一叶障目/ tunnel vision], but this blogpost is likely to remain forgettable, unless we overinvest mental energy to make it slightly less forgettable.
— one of the deepest, most prevalent and poisonous mis-perceptions is the wrong peer group
Brank is not something I absolutely NEED in order to feel completely satisfied with my life.
OC-effectiveness is not for my role.
== The above are some of the most acute pains, where I need “1stAid” ==
— Another deep-rooted mis-perception is the count of ‘burn’ hours in my spare time. See beating up myself over fuck`ROTI
This prejudiced perception/framework has long dominated my weekend planning, my self-review, … but is it holistic or even fair?
— most erosive, decimating mis-perception in my psychological “system” is PIP, the fixation on the one manager’s assessment of me. This one manager (such as deMunk) can override all of my colleagues + other managers combined. More fundamentally, this person’s view wipes out my self-assessment. 一叶障目.
— m2m return as the only yardstick in equity investment
— China dating fixation on 1) 身高 and 2) 文化背景.
— parents’ fixation on benchmark exams
— net worth, top schools
— necessity for car ownerhip in Sgp