I can’t enjoy celery snack But..#other raw

In American culture, celery stalk is a popular snack. (So is baby carrot.) I often feel inferior and weak that I can’t tolerate these extremely healthy raw veg, but

  • but most people brought up on Chinese food can’t tolerate it either
  • but in U.S. most people would eat these raw snacks with a high-calorie companion such as cheese
  • but I can enjoy raw reddish (including white), which is Not a “palatable” American snack
  • but I can also enjoy raw onion, a common ingredient in Subway but not a popular snack by itself.
  • …. In conclusion, I have a strong tolerance for raw veg. I won’t bother to debate on ‘stronger-than’.

This situation parallels yoga — where I’m constrained in many motions but very flexible in others. I tend to feel inferior and weak … unfairly.