G.W.Bush: politicalCapital to spend{reach`ffree


See also similar concepts:

G.W.Bush famously said in 2004 “I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it”. I have accumulated my political capital — layers of buffers and batteries, but these batteries are very different.

  1. career security due to c++/java, dnlg,
  2. career longevity due to WallSt contract market ,
  3. diversified non-work income, SG citizenship

How could I spend it, and on what?

  • I want to have more time with grandparents
  • I want to have more time coaching and giving reward my kids, 1) without losing my cool over 应用题 pattern-recognition 2) making a real impact
    • If insufficient leaves, then I would look to take some unpaid leaves? spending/wasting the capital
  • wellness: more time on yoga, jogging and group workout
  • wellness: buy more expensive healthy foods like fancy fruits