##Let us accept #acute pains]fall`behind


  • Accept that he would have no desire to change the habit of sugary beverage.
  • Accept his fitness — no talent, no determination, no habit,
  • Accept that he could have more joy in a lighter-load learning environment but in reality he is unable to climb up there — trapped inside the tower at the hot section down below (the hell)…
  • [t] Accept that he will spend lots of his precious leisure time in ineffective homework + additional tuition, not learning much, but he doesn’t care.
  • [t] Accept that he might continue to wastes his time for hours after lunch, and then in the 11th hour suffer the pressure and fail to complete his homework, but he doesn’t care.
  • [t] Accept that because of heavy homework, he would have limited sleep, but he doesn’t care. Improved after P6.
  • [t] Accept that due to insufficient spare time, I would have limited methods to motivate him.
  • [m] Accept he would use calculator for everything.
  • [m] Accept that he may not acquire the pattern-recognition “vision” crucial in math word problems, and pattern recognition could remain a “don’t-care” item for him.
  • [m] Accept that he might continue to wander off in class, later unable to apply the new skill on his math homework.
  • Accept that he could remain very weak on P2 arithmetic skills, largely due to lack of effort
  • [mt] Accept that he might continue to refuse pencil, and continue to waste his precious time on correction tapes. Accept that he would NOT learn to cross out and quickly restart.
  • [m] Accept that he will remain too lazy to apply his mind or bother to recall what he learnt in the past.
  • [m] Accept my time spent “helping” him may continue to produce dismal results, leading to frustration, regret,,,
  • Accept that he would continue to lose his expensive belongings like bottle, calculator, goggle, pencil-box, glasses, MRT card,
  • Accept that even if he gets up 10 minutes in advance he would still leave home too late. Completely improved.
  • Accept he would continue to reach school late. Completely improved.
  • Accept that he could complete my math worksheets but refuse correction
  • [t=time-usage efficiency]
  • [m=math, esp. word problems]
  • [any number=category 1 to category 3 of acute pains]

Looking into the pattern of my anxieties, I think most of the acute current pains are related to falling behind other kids (of the same age group). Items below present themselves over a longer horizon.

  • Accept that his benchmark results may remain far below those “academic kids” including those “China kids”

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