压力最高是 2008-2009 高盛阶段。最近几年 (2017 年以来)逐步降低。
[w=related to widespread wrong priorities, such as mindless luxury spend driven by blind FOMO, or mindless fixation on brank]
- 健康? 有的中年男士出现状况, 我只是胆固醇稍高
- [w] 没时间运动和睡眠? 我有时间
- [w] 饮食失控?
- 失眠?我没有
- [R] 上有老下有小需要照顾? (Singaporeans talk about the sandwich generation.) 只有大宝这小子叫我操心. Much better after PSLE.
- marriage? no major threats or fault lines
- [Rw] 房奴? 只贷款了两年。(其实根本不用贷款。公积金利息比贷款高, 不想动用公积金所以才贷款。)
- [w] 入不敷出? 不工作我一家都够花
- 工作职责,任务,压力? 有的中年男士40多爬到个人事业巅峰,可能责任重大,指挥千军万马。 我没这压力。
- FOLB, as hinted in the RoyalSociety talk [[Life Starts at 40]]
- 移民? 的确是许多中年男士头上一座大山。 移民牵扯到购房、医保 、语言障碍、适应气候、歧视、重建人脉、就学、就业、 甚至被迫转行。 有的蹲移民监不敢回国(怕再进不来)连家人送葬都赶不上。
- [R] 投资重挫,一蹶不振?Strategic misstep? 我也亏过, 但没损失个人净资产的 1% 所以没啥压力。
- [w] 架空? 有的中年男士薪水或职位太高,公司可以提拔30多岁年轻人“取而代之”。 就算没有迹象,也令当事人忧心忡忡,战战兢兢,捕风捉影地疑神疑鬼。 我不担这心。
— [R] See also may (mail) long chat with R.Teo
— I think the “中年男士压力最高” notion is not supported by enough data .. See [[lifespan dev]]. However, there is enough anecdotal evidence to convince most observers that indeed many 40-59 men suffer multiple stressors.
Similar to the wealth gap (income gap, education gap…), this is a kind of “mental health gap”.