- 🙂 starch — I said No to starch, with more cool confidence than ever before. My $10.50 fancy salad has basically no starch.
- 🙂 wrong-time temptation — I was bigger than the temptation this time. Not hungry so I didn’t yield to this temptation as happened hundreds of times. I achieve this only about 10% of the time. Therefore, I believe I’m possibly growing stronger.
- 🙂 salad dressing — I didn’t need any
- 🙂 yoga block — I brought it to spend at least a few minutes in fish pose. I did as planned
- 🙂 book exchange — I did spend more time than planned and picked up about 6 books. I am free from the must-read obligation that’s common in bought or borrowed books.
— now about the movie
- when I first meet a character, I automatically look at BMI and body shape. The are no slim characters. Even the strong build of Christopher Lee is associated in my mind with poor health.
- Even with all the good things in Singapore for a retiree such as
- air, water, mobility features, housing
- nanny state
- low-cost domestic helper
- comfortable cash-flow
- age-friendly job market
- … Still a family can become an unhappy family