##[19] y weekly yoga=harder than diet, jogging, codingDrill..

k_Promethean_struggle  k_soul_search

My yoga, diet daily battle, coding drill .. all feel like Promethean struggles. But Why was yoga so utterly hopeless compared to the others?

— key reason — (misperception) whatever my effort, I remain clearly way below average among the “peers” though in reality those “peers” are mostly women and yoga instructors

— key reason — yoga is too hard to hold and require too much willpower. Jogging and coding drill are better. The yoga poses I pick are way too painful. I can barely hold for 5 seconds but I force myself to hold many times longer. I set an unrealistic target and set myself up for failure

I now decide to use easy, sustainable stretches. As I told Rahul, I used to feel they are too easy to be effective, but Jess Lin pointed out my mis-assumption.

— reason (?) — i don’t see any progress. This is actually a common “phenomenon” in diet, coding drill, jogging etc. Somehow I used this argument for decades to dismiss the idea of daily stretch.