update — resilient is possibly more important than tough. Something tough often features weaker breaking points than something resilient — bend and sway.
Hard-driving, abstinence/self-constraint are both considered self-control and self-discipline. Among the hundreds of people I consider comparable, my relative strength lies slightly more in abstinence … 95 marks there, vs 80 marks in hard-driving.
I think my sis is stronger in hard-driving.
I think my dad is strong in both !
— Buddhism, wellness … emphasize self-constraint and abstinence
eg: early rise. Many can’t persuade themselves to sleep early
eg: slow jog of grandpa
eg: absorbency
— achievement, learning, academics, competition, athletics .. emphasize hard-driving.
eg: interview muscle building
eg: localSys
eg: yoga
–Some domains require combo of the two
eg: refresh past learning