[19]clarity@think` =non-trivial strength]self-mgmt

clarity of thinking is a non-trivial strength in me. Many friends say I’m very reflective and demonstrate Grade-A self knowledge and self analysis.

I feel many “peers” don’t show clarity of thinking. My sis, dad… show clarity. I think my son may have it.

Vocab .. a top-3 factor and can help a lot when a generic phrase is ambiguous and confusing. To my surprise, many clear thinkers seem to use mostly a small pool of words but many phrases.

Am /endowed/ with a decent vocab in Chinese + a growing vocab in English. They /complement/ each other.

I explain my content very clearly to myself, not always so clearly to an audience. In my view , clarity of thought is mostly a self-management skill, so I don’t worry about “them”. See blogposts on list@points.

Brevity .. perhaps a top-5 clarity factor. I tend to be good in brevity of writing but Some verbal-type individuals show exceptional clarity. Genn?

My spreadsheets .. a top-10 factor and a visual sign of clarity