long-term ROTI=rare;prejudice about fun time with boy #600@高考 #500w

k_tyrant_of_rmSelf  k_mellow

What kinda individuals like to point a finger at a school and say “So many students have failed to score 600 marks on gaokao 高考”? Real long-term ROTI is as rare as a perfect exam score:

  • QQ and coding drill? yes long-term ROTI but feels so fake
  • localSys .. doesn’t seem to help me keep my QQ knowledge afresh, or help maintain my sense of long-term security
  • coding drill? Yes long-term ROTI but Only for web 2.0 shops
  • long-term roti in quant, c#, noSQL, meta-programming…?
  • long-term roti in my zbs xx — not financial return
  • yoga roti? yes I would say long-term ROTI, but it feels not lasting
  • per investment roti? mostly small scale and recreational
  • — more specific items
  • work out with kids — considered not burn and low ROTI (too much wasted time) .. Actually tough, and builds family bound. Arguably no less strategic than QQ
  • reading boy’s exam papers … doesn’t seem to help my career
  • prepare math worksheet — considered not burn, not hard enough, not strategic, not related to my career
  • strength training — considered not burn, not hard enough.
  • refresh zbs know-how — considered not burn not IV-relevant.
  • refresh GTD know-how — considered not burn not IV-relevant.
  • refresh QQ — considered not burn and not strategic
  • bring boy out shopping as reward for him — considered high tcost low ROTI but extremely important to his +/-ve feedback loop

.. So why the hell do I point my finger at family time, boy’s coaching sessions, outing with boy, fun time with boy, relaxed time with boy etc? Any relaxed moment is seen as too “easy” and not burning enough. Such a burn/rot view is poisonous. It’s double-standard because I seldom point my finger at

  1. myself blogging
  2. myself on recreational reading
  3. myself reading news, magazines
  4. my curiosity searches on google
  5. myself watching youtube
  6. myself listening to bbc
  7. my habitual comparison-shopping

I have been utterly prejudiced in my assessment of the value of family-time. I tend to hold highly negative views about my roti with kids, with yoga, MSFM, c#…. I have a habit to adopt a stringent standard (in a blatant double-standard) that invariably casts a bad light on my effort.

It’s like pointing out the imperfections in a beautiful woman.

Einstein doesn’t talk about burn/rot or ROTI. He plays the violin to entertain himself. My dad also listens to tapes for the same purpose.

Overall, I was fixated on materialistic ROTI (rmSelf) and self-discipline over the lazy self, to the detriment of self-esteem, family harmony, parental bond… What are the best ROTI efforts so far?

  • #1 long-term roti in my java QQ. Higher than c++, python, unix, SQL..
  • Top 5: long-term yoga — considered not burn and low ROTI… Actually extremely hard. Arguably more strategic than the coding drill etc,
  • Top 9: long-term roti in strength and endurance training
  • Top 20: long-term roti in my coding drill? It’s 100% interview driven, and not relevant to GTD.
  • long-term roti in renzi — even if my renzi coaching did enhance his renzi abilities and comprehension, you won’t see any improvement a few years later if he still refuses to apply his mind.