k_X_focusing_illusion k_soul_search
I get into crises anxieties far too often .. I guess it has to with focusing illusion.
Let’s be slightly more rational and ask ourselves — what bad news (or other events) should be considered a crisis? Let’s list up to 9 high-level categories. I think they all have some timeline.
- kids developmental problem
- medical condition that should not be postponed indefinitely.
- mounting financial loss
- family tension [marital, parenting]
- kids’ developmental [behavior] problems
- equipment out@service but actually needed. Counter example: the bedroom door repair can be postponed.
Here are some storms-in-teacup i.e. fake crises:
- ED .. growing difficulties .. There are many proven solutions, and I believe them.
- air-con issues except in boy’s room … We seldom use these
- work projects taking longer than “normal”
- boy’s overweight
- boy’s slow progress on piano
- cpf fund not earning enough return — but no urgency
- engagement honeymoon has ended
- my time allocation differs from my ideal — so what?
- my spare time is not generating enough ROTI — but when did it?
- my workout time has reduced — but any real effect on my health?
- visible result of my time spent on boy is far below my expectation — but real progress nevertheless
- fall-below fees
Slightly less often we notice a shocking deterioration in our life, but irreversible, hence no big change needed. What we need most is the serenity prayer.
* skin, hair condition, perhaps due to aging
* c++ programmers’ life becoming tougher on wall st
* growing population of younger, brighter developers in Singapore job market
Which individuals have the serenity and the discernment? Grandpa, Josh?