BGC handover trip

depart # 3k 765↴ arrive
16:35 Sat 23Nov T1 T1 20:10
10:40 Wed 27 T1 T1 14:20
3k 762 ⤴ $283 by CitiSmrt
airline ref: WGJHJC
  • get accurate estimate of property tax
  • –things to do if not in the mood to work remotely
  • open a bank account with better tx history tracking
  • time deposit hopefully 6% pa
  • yoga classes;;;;; driving lessons
  • git-blogging, if possible, could soak up most of my spare time.
  • coding practice requires less infrastructure than online blogging
  • — mobility: Accept the limitation. Walk or jog during cool hours. Otherwise, stay home and read/browse.
  • Lucky there’s a mall next door.

— driving school