google drive #



I feel good about the credibility/reliability, accessibility, convenient GUI,,,, partly driven by competition. We are riding the wave of advancing technology.

— task: move — To move one (or multiple) file.. click to select -> # filenames highlighted in blue -> right click -> context menu -> move
— task: rename .. easy on files and folders 🙂
— task: upload .. easy to upload a big folder 🙂
— task: attach a readme to a folder/file .. you can simply create a googleDoc. You can then click it to edit… saved automatically 🙂 I use the *.txt extension to indicate file type.

One of the easiest GUI for readme. Good alternative to tagging.

— versioned .. Files are usually versioned 🙂
S$280/10Y for 100GB
— disk hogs? settings -> storage used -> culprits -> # quota page shows the biggest files, but they only add up to a few MB. Most of my google drive usage is actually gmail!

— trash .. files in trash are retained for 30D
— public littering .. The MyDrive frontpage sometimes shows a “quick access” list of recent files, a complete distraction. Settings -> general -> remove “quickAccess”
— html files .. in your google drive can’t be displayed as html. File URL doesn’t show file name. When you download you will see the file name.

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