QnA with Dr Steffy

#1 take-away — Need to keep up exercise as a reconfirmation/re-validation of my extreme diet towards lower BMI.

Consider Hep vaccination …

Q: starch reduction towards zero?
A: starch reduction towards zero is safe. However, Compared to fruit sugar, starch is be more lasting and more filling.

Q: reduce BMI towards 19?
A: safe. 18.5 is the limit, as long as you have enough energy, and you feel healthy. (See the #1 take-away)

Q: As layman I believe appearance doesn’t indicate health. My wife said I look unhealthy since too thin but I believe I can become still slimmer and be healthy.. right?

Q: Fasting for multiple days is safe? I sometimes fast for a day or longer when my body could tolerate. Is it safe?
A: Depends. People fasting for multiple days need gradual training, so stomach gradually reduces acid production.
A: Therefore, intermittent fasting is safer

Q: I now plan to reduce my big meal. In addition, I will reduce or eliminate my smaller meals.
A: nodding

Very low BMI can lead to low bone density and brittle bones. You can check bone density every 2 years.

Q: I now believe my biggest risk area is heart, followed by cancers and bones
A: nodding

Q: I guess I would need to live with Lipitor for life
A: it’s OK to depend on Lipitor for life.

Q: Any way to live without lipitor?
A: Red rice yeast

Q: I take 1/3 a pill once in 2 days, and I sometimes forget for a week
A: it’s OK. Do consider the 10mg pills