[19] expectation@boy: Need2avoid..

See the complete list at ##Let us accept #current pains

Need to avoid micromanaging his homework and losing my cool
Need to avoid comparing with me on STEM subjects
Need to avoid talking to LianZhong or other parents with academic kids … counterproductive

Whenever I say “compared to the academic kids” or “the China students”, I’m implicitly using myself as the benchmark.

When other parents start talking about top schools, I need to either politely get away or change topic

— i need to listen and focus less on stories of my friends practicing math at young age.

These guys could do it because like my daughter they have more absorbency.

Listening to these stories increases my frustration that my son lacks the “normal” absorbency and is somehow inferior.

In reality, many people lack the absorbency but have other strengths, so not inferior.


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