I used to feel perhaps boy would move up to become a top student later in high school, just like Bill Chen or Grace Dong. Now I feel we need to dampen down that hope because only a minority of students go through that. My sister didn’t.
I used to think boy might be good with programming, but now I think it is not so likely.
Grandpa said don’t hold up hope for a technical track. Possibly a business education is more likely. Possibly a career path similar to Aunt Gennifer’s.
Grandpa said repeatedly that U.S. community college is fine. Now I feel the top 2 Singapore universities might be too tough to get in.
Now I foresee my boy may enroll in a community college (or higher), intern at some unknown firms, graduate with some common business degree, and join a main-street company. Meanwhile, his peers may excel in various ways. It would be tough for me and wife to accept, but we will accept.