s/sheet: git^gCloud^recoll #goodTech


spreadsheets and Word docs can now be saved in github / gDrive / recoll. [ Abundance of choice (no s) ]

As of 2019, My preferences for s/sheets:

  • github as a “master” — is temporary like a few months ( no need to be precise ). Good for “hot, active” files like assets.xlsx
  • recoll — By default, all s/sheets should be mastered in recoll due to these justifications:
    • convenience, efficiency… (no need to elaborate) which is 90% available in github
    • offline access. No login required.
    • full, personal control of backup, including by email
    • no worry about “mysteriously missing”
  • gDrive — is the default if a sheet is often accessed outside home
  • gDrive — integrates well with blog
  • gDrive — acceptable if a sheet is updated from various computers. If seldom updated, I don’t mind leaving it in google drive.

Note both github and google sheets provide automatic backup + versioning. Github even lets me add a commit message 🙂

— The file name should indicate “{gDrive” or “{git” or “{recoll”. This is important when the same file is maintained in multiple locations and not always kept in synch. Why “multiple location”? Because editing is easiest iFF in recoll .. See justifications earlier.

— googleSheets

  1. [a] Main advantage of googleSheets — no MSOffice (license) needed. Chrome becomes a spreadsheet editor!
  2. [a] auto-save
  3. [a] basic text highlighting similar to wordpad

— gDrive .. detailed in google drive #phrasebook – btv-open

  1. == Pros and cons:
  2. [a] can embed a URL-to-gDrive-file in blog and open it easily
  3. [a] one-click to view, immediately
  4. [a] version history
  5. — lesser factors:
  6. [d] hard-to-remove: even after I remove a sheet from google drive, the “recent list” still shows the sheet name. https://support.google.com/docs/forum/AAAABuH1jm0p1AnbFMpJPY/?hl=en&msgid=NI2sIaCdAgAJ&gpf=d/msg/docs/p1AnbFMpJPY/NI2sIaCdAgAJ
  7. [a] privacy levels:
    • can be completely view-able to all, like github. Good on MS network ?
    • can be view-able to anyone with the address
    • can be private among named individuals
  8. [a] saves disk space — no MSOffice
  9. [a = advantage
  10. [d = disadvantage]

To be able to edit documents, spreadsheets … offline on mobile devices, you need the Google Drive app, as well as the apps for Docs, Sheets…

  • location — File->DocumentDetails shows “location” (??)

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