k_tectonic ,,, k_office_sanctuary
See also spare time as slack resource + [20]random list@ Protection+reinforcer #early planning
This blog is /fairly good/ at focus — focus on 1) buffers or 2) alternatives or 3 batteries
Multiple layers of cushion/buffer/slack-resource … always give me a deep sense of enhanced security. I’m very sensitive to this kinda thing. I feel our life is a small dugout canoe in the high seas, battered by the high waves… soooo many storms, perils, blows, threats, dangers,
Defining example of buffer — the past reserves can tide over the SG economy and buy time, but this buffer can be depleted. Therefore, the current term of government must use the past reserves in a sustainable way, not to consume the fruits of the previous generations and leave a reduced reserve for future generations.
Note on optimism — layers of buffer sounds defensive and pessimistic, but is optimistic at a fundamental level. If you don’t believe in the buffers, why would you bother to build them?
I wish the list below can be more focused on a specific theme. On the other hand wide-ranging is kinda good.
- [b] strong family — protection for every family member
- [b] social support network … beyond family-n-friends
- [bt] UChicago brand creates a protective buffer over my self-esteem
- ——– wellness (including mental) protector
- A [b] plenty of spare time for workout and rest, rather than fully stretched .. to protect against spare time “resource” depletion
- A [b] plenty of paid leaves to protect against depletion of “slack resource” such as spare time
- [b] office — (even MRT) as a harbor with wifi for my laptop … is an invaluable alternative venue when home becomes too “hot” with tension and distress.
- [d] EAP counsellors, Cigna-accepted psychologist, even trusted friends like Raymond … as “redundant support network”, to help me deal with various challenges. Note SG offers more social support than other countries.
- [b] early rise — good for wellness, but under stress I tend to “eat into this buffer” i.e. slowly delay early rise
- AAA+ [b] #1 eg: low BMI / cholesterol / blood pressure; pull up + fitness …. to protect against wellness “hazards”.
- AAA [b] high fruit/veg, low fat/starch diet …. to prepare for stress binge
- AA [b] on belly, low visible fat to protect against (almost inevitable) bulging
- [b] light body weight relative to my strength, as shown in my pull-up and curl-up
- ——— alternative gz (+ school) choices
- [d] teaching and research as an alternative career, thanks to my branded master’s degree
- A [dt] internet and finDev as two alternative job markets
- AA [dt] SG and U.S. as two alternative job markets
- A [dt] c++ in addition to java; jxee in addition to coreJava to provide many times more job opportunities
- A [d] SG, U.S. and Australia schools for my kids. Many would see them as viable alternatives.
- See also my “juice meetup” email to Ash.S
- Ash.S suggestion: Consider small firms .. I agree that either in Singapore or the U.S. small firms are less selective, and less strict in hiring.
- Ash.S suggestion: Consider quant dev .. I hear you that quant dev roles are possibly growing in Singapore job market. This could become a promising green field for my next job search. I’m good at math, with a branded qualification.
- My intern’s suggestion: Once I reach a high salary, and have enough of the associated stress + responsibility + expectations, I can hope to find a slow-pace semi-retirement job, at a lower pay like 120k ~ 180k..
- ——– career buffers
- [bt] plenty of coding drill and QQ accumulated over the years, fully digested in my own words in blog and github. If there’s a decline in my learning, this visible, measurable built-up buffer would be valuable. Remember the aging Batman in the Bane movie — he relied on his past training to rebuild strengths.
- [b] sustained traction and engagement (at least neutral attitude) on tech xx. See reliability @ effort^talent. If there’s a decline in my level of engagement, I think it will not drop to zero. I can feel an invisible buffer therein.
- ——– personal technology++
- multiple browser brands
- [bd] multiple low-cost laptops for coding drill and git blogging. In crunch time, I need this backup support.
- [b] diskHog/landGrab files to be released when I run out of disk space
- [b] simple smart phones. Don’t get addicted and dependent on the newer smart phone features
- [b] low-cost commercial VPN, gDrive, wpress… can help reduce stress (via buffering)
- buy cheap but reliable furniture and gadgets to reduce stress
- [b] have spares, thanks to the low cost
- ——— cash flow planning is my strongest hand, so let’s avoid the obvious or the familiar
- When I reduce my family BR, I feel my buffer/cushion growing
- [bt] bx: hospitalization cash payout as additional buffer
- AAA [b] wife able to make a living; sister able and willing to help support my kids if something happens to me
- [d] MYS and China as additional/alternative retirement destinations, if SG becomes difficult
- [d] currency diversification — USD assets, SGD assets, RMB assets
- [AAA etc = reliability rating of the buffer/shield] See locus@control:current carefree high ground mostly due2%%effort
- [b = buffer. I like the imagery of energy-absorbing buffer stop. They absorb impacts from unexpected adversities and buys me TIME.]
- [d = diversification … to put my eggs into multiple baskets]
- [t = battery of accumulation]
— defense ^ protection ^ shield ^ buffer ^ ^^
“Defense” and “protection” are more proactive, more adaptive, while “shield” and “buffer” are more passive and static. A defense/protection may not have any physical form — it can be an attitude, a psychological preparation.
buffer .. even more static than a shield.
alternative .. often an effective “defense” (not a shield).
battery .. less clear. Definitely a form of defense. Not a static shield.
Note that a buffer, shield, and esp. a battery all require periodic /reinforcement/, therefore never “100%” static.