k_quietime k_soul_search
- 1) smrz .. e-payment; subway; bike sharing; tourist attractions .. troublesome for locals, extra-hard for passport holders
- 2) quietime (in a personal space ] hotel) .. I wished to have my own hotel room [$$$], but I was able to create some at front desk, on subway, early/late hours,,, See [19]Korea trip review #private time4blogg
- .. self-discipline losing grip: diet, workout, dental,,,
- 3) risk of losing valuables .. /background-heat/ stressor. See separate section
- ~~ EOR
- My phone contacts .. often slow to load. I suspect they are loaded from google cloud.
- gmail, youtube blocked. Use microsoft Bing instead.
- github .. frequently blocked when using wifi, but luckily roaming hotspot ..
- map APPs … require Chinese search, but I’m unfamiliar
- need to rely on numerous mobile apps
.. a Personal lifestyle adjustment, just as driving is to American lifestyle. Not so severe in Hindsight
.. limited know-how. need to (invest time) learn the phone, numerous apps [see separate bpost], and need customer service [see separate bpost] - [$] gmail blocked.. luckily, roaming proved a simple yet good-enough solution
- [$=money can help]
— worst possible losses ranked… Be conscious of the relative value of each!
- Passport ..
- phones .. need to buy then set up new phone, but many local people can help
- subway card .. hard to replace. Better have alternatives like the 亿 app
- bank card .. hard to replace, so better have multiple